The 80s and 90s Uncensored
More nostalgia than your mom's faux wood paneled basement!
Looking for a blast from the past without the dial-up tone? Join hosts Milo and Jamie as they relive the epic moments of two legendary decades. Grab your Walkman, crank the volume, and tune in for the ride of your life – or at least a half hour of pure 80s and 90s joy!
New episode every Monday… to keep that day from being so manic.
Listen wherever you get podcasts!
Foods That Either Debuted or Were Discontinued in 1994
Jamie’s on his own with returning guest John Finn to discuss foods of 1994.
Ninety-Nine: Tech IPOs That Happened in 1999
The guys look at some of the Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) that happed in 1999.
Michael Bolton vs. Kenny G
The guys debate which of these adult contemporary starts is the better choice for your Valentine's Day.
Ninety-Nine: The Phantom Menace
We look at the highest grossing film of 1999, Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace.
Groundhog Day Turns 30
We look at one of Jamie’s favorite films to discuss why this film has stood the test of time over the past 30 years.
Ninety-Nine: Columbine Retrospective
Remembering the precursor of mass shootings that are so prevalent in the US today.
The Case of Pee-wee Herman v. Ernest P. Worrell
Jamie makes a case for why Pee-wee Herman is the better character, while Milo defends Ernest P. Worrell.
Ninety-Nine: Y2K
When people were worried that computers would not be able to handle the change in date.
The Fog Bowl
A dense fog descended upon Soldier Field during the 1988 divisional playoff game, dubbing it “The Fog Bowl”.
Ninety-Nine: Was 1999 The Best Year in Movies?
The guys debate if 1999 was the best year in movies or not. Jamie thinks it was. Milo is not as sure.
Tim Burton Retrospective
The guys visit the amazing career of filmmaker Tim Burton, discussing his great films.
Ninety-Nine: 4 Reasons 1999 Was Awesome and Deserves Its Own Podcast
We discuss why we’re doing this miniseries and why 1999 was awesome!
1st Celebrity Crush with Special Guest Genevieve
We’re joined again by Genevieve to discuss celebrity crushes from our youth and her recent celebrity interviews.
Things Only People Who Lived in the 80s and 90s Will Appreciate
We look back at experiences that people who lived then will appreciate and today’s youth won't understand.
The Rainbow Warrior
In 1985, the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior was sunk, killing one person and leading to an international incident.
Video Games From 1986 Retrospective
The obligatory Christmas episode. We spin the wheels of fate which decides on video games from 1986.
Aerobics Craze of the 80s Retrospective
Richard Simmons and Jane Fonda… Milo and Jamie discuss the aerobics craze from the 1980s.
100th Episode Mail Bag
We celebrate our 100th episode by responding to our “mail bag”. Listen for a few entertaining answers.
4 Cartoons Released in 1984
The guys discuss some of the great and maybe not so great cartoons that were released in 1984.
The 1992 Peabody Awards Retrospective
Why not have an entire episode dedicated to the exciting topic of the 1992 Peabody awards?!