The 80s and 90s Uncensored
More nostalgia than your mom's faux wood paneled basement!
Looking for a blast from the past without the dial-up tone? Join hosts Milo and Jamie as they relive the epic moments of two legendary decades. Grab your Walkman, crank the volume, and tune in for the ride of your life – or at least a half hour of pure 80s and 90s joy!
New episode every Monday… to keep that day from being so manic.
Listen wherever you get podcasts!
Top Gun Retrospective
Does the original Top Gun stand the test of time? And how does the new film hold up to the original? Find out!
MTV Retrospective
Do you remember when MTV showed music videos? we walk through the history of MTV and its transition.
Celebrity Scandals from the 80s and 90s with Special Guest Genevieve Hassan
We’re joined again by Genevieve of Celebrity Catch Up to discuss celebrity scandals.
4 Things We Hate from the 80s and 90s
We take off the rose-colored glasses and look at things from the 80s and 90s we hate.
Best Albums of the 80s With Special Guest Suzanne Mattaboni
We’re joined by Suzanne Mattaboni to discuss her new book and the best albums of the 80s.
Popular Toys From 1998
The guys spin the Wheels of Fate and are told to come up with some toy trivia from 1998.
4 Favorite NES Games
The guys pick the top Nintendo Entertainment System games from their youth.
Back to the Future Retrospective
Milo saw the new musical which got us thinking about the fabulous film.
The Case of Corey Feldman vs Corey Haim
The guys take a look back at the lives of these Two Coreys
Falklands War Retrospective
We do research on the history of the war between Argentina and the UK.
4 Song We Like and Dislike from 1999
We discuss two songs from 1999 that we love and two we hate.
The Satanic Panic with Special Guest Tig Carson
We’re joined by Tig Carson to discuss the Satanic Panic of the 80s and 90s.
Sinéad O’Connor Retrospective With Special Guest Claire Millane
We’re joined by Claire Millane to discuss the amazing and often tragic life of Sinéad O'Connor.
Favorite Breakfast Cereals From Our Youth
We remember the days when a balanced breakfast consisted of sugar advertised to the youth by cartoons.
Revolutionary Items of Technology Introduced in 1993
We share a bit of history about the revolutionary pieces of technology introduced in 1993.
Reservoir Dogs Turns 30
Reservoir Dogs was released 30 years ago and the guys re-review this debut film by Quentin Tarantino.
Trivia Night II - German Pop Music
Play along and disappoint yourself with how much you don’t know about old school German pop music.
Rubik's Cube Retrospective
We research the history of the number one selling toy of all time.
4 Favorite Romantic Comedies from the 90s
The guys get romantic and share their four best romantic comedies from the 1990s.