The Lawless Times of 80s and 90s ANIME with Special Guest Skyler
The guys are joined by Skylar from the Omega Star 7 podcast to discuss the 80s and 90s era anime. Everyone brings some anime knowledge to share including favorite films and shows worth checking out. The guys discuss what the difference between a Japanese anime is compared to a cartoon of the US. And what discussion of anime wouldn't be complete without tentacle porn.
Check out our guest at Omega Star 7!
Picard possesses a fascinating array of artifacts that reflect his love for history and the incredible adventures he’s embarked on.
Jamie reviews Going Viral which blends 1980s nostalgia with modern themes as geeky teen and friends seek Corey Feldman’s “Samurai” to fight an AI.
Star Trek: Voyager had a strong premise but often fell flat with episodic plots, inconsistent characters, and recycled villains.
While Stallone and Russell were awesome, it was the villain actors in 1989’s “Tango & Cash” that made it a treat.
Let’s examine facts from films that involve time travel from the 80s and 90s that will make you feel old… with inforgraphs!
The MPAA had to introduce a new rating, PG-13, for films to accommodate the lucrative 80s teen market.
Here are 9 sushi scenes in 1980s movies as artifacts that preserved the attitudes toward sushi during that time.

Independent web publisher, blogger, podcaster… creator of digital worlds. Analyst, designer, storyteller… proud polymath and doer of things. Founder and producer of “” and gag-man co-host of the “The 80s and 90s Uncensored” podcast.
The 80s and 90s weren’t just decades. They were cultural powerhouses that transformed entertainment, fashion, and how we connected with the world.