
Welcome to

Your Valhalla of Nostalgia

Where neon competes with pastel

and the saxophone solo is alive and well!

Mr. Rogers with a champaign bottle and fireworks in the background.
Jamie Fenderson holding little boom box with ET t-shirt.
Milo Denison holding a little boom box.


In the season 9 premiere of "The 80s and 90s Uncensored" Milo and Jamie are joined by icon of 1980s and 90s movies such as Goonies, Stand by Me, The Lost Boys, and more: Corey Feldman. Corey has a new film out called Going Viral, so the guys talk Going Viral, tropes from 1980s movies, and how movie promotion has changed over the last 40 years from talk shows to podcasts and YouTube.


Listen to card-carrying Gen-Xers Milo and Jamie as they inform and amuse on The 80s and 90s Uncensored.

New episodes every Monday.

We’re back! Season 9 has begun after a 6-month hiatus!


Articles, lists, comparisons and retrospectives on various topics of everyone’s favorite two decades: The 80s and 90s

Check out these featured television articles.